ETP HO Diaries: Sexual Harassment

For reasons that would be obvious to anyone that has experienced this, this post is being written long after the occurrence(s). That’s something about sexual harassment that I really detest, the in-bu…


Cultural And Societal Myths:  The society and family are inseparable; one gives birth to the other. Therefore, to a large extent, the norms in a particular society affects the organisation and ru…

ETP Talks: Universal Health Coverage

Hey darlings! I enjoy global health and it stems from my desire for healthcare to be valued as a human right – across the world. It’s something I’m passionate about. It’s the underlying reason w…

ETP Talks: Asking God to kill me

No clickbait around here guys; this really happened. Okay so backstory right? I was your regular teenage girl, that grew up in a Christian home, went to church and generally just tried to be perfect. …

ETP Talks: New decade, new Fire!

Hey everyone! I can barely believe we’re already 17 whole days into January, this is the fastest January I’ve experienced in a while! Starting a new decade really brings to remembrance how much life c…