Elizabeth T Peters
192 Articles64 Comments

Christian - Medical Student - Natural Hair - Poetry - Inspirational Writer.


Yes I know it is not a real word; but with its rate of occurrence I think Oxford Dictionary’s next edition should seriously consider its insertion. What is it? A “Situationship” is basically an undefi…


Happy… Sad… Angry. Confused. What do you feel? How do you feel? Do you feel? Of course you feel. Everyone feels. No matter how hardcore and emotionless you may think you are, so long as you belo…


No, not the thing on twitter that so many users aspire towards. I mean the general direction in which something is developing or changing. This “something” could be anything really; fashion, hairstyle…


Sensitive topic alert! This post is not intended to start an ethical debate – as you should already know – my blog: my rules. So let’s get right into it; abortion can be defined as the termination of …

Reality Check.

Not everyone will like you. DEAL WITH IT. I was trying to get an afternoon nap and this topic came to mind – so here I am! People often associate being a Christian with being a people pleaser or being…


Family. Friendships. Relationships. Three important entities in every person’s life, that all rely heavily upon trust. Trust is a strange phenomenon – hard to gain but oh so easy to lose – if on…

Who Are You.

The title is supposed to be a question right? More like Who Are You? It, like most things in this life we live, was written that way for a purpose. We go through our lives trying to mould ourselves, i…


Hey, hello there J Ever felt like everyone’s looking at you? Sometimes they really are, like when you drive on the wrong side of the road in a foreign country, but other times, it could be a great exa…