Elizabeth T Peters
192 Articles64 Comments

Christian - Medical Student - Natural Hair - Poetry - Inspirational Writer.

M B B S!

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshhhhh So this post is a celebratory one for all the 400 level medical students of ABUAD – WE MADE IT!!For those who don’t know, from January 12 – 23rd,…


“The only thing that’s constant in life: Change.” Changes in surroundings, friends, relationships…inevitable stuff. Isn’t it weird when someone is afraid of change? Before you open your mouth to say y…


       A four-letter word that has, and continues to change lives daily. We hear about it in movies, in books, in churches and in our group chats. The funny thing about w…


There is a large, well carved door swung wide open in front of you, revealing brilliant rays of hopeful light; but then there is also the extraordinarily comfortable, state-of-the-art bed, fitted with…


I get a lot of questions about my hair, both from people I know and from absolute strangers. “Isn’t it hard to maintain?” “How do you style it?” and my least favorite: “Can I touch it?” Haha. So let m…


There was a time in my life that I saw myself as a British citizen with Nigerian parents. I had dissociated myself from my heritage. How I become as patriotic as I am now… is a story for another day J…


Slim nose. Full lips. Curvy. Athletic. There is no standard of beauty. Fact. What you may see as the most mind blowing feature on someone could have the exact opposite effect from another person’…