ETP Talks: My home is under attack.

It has come to light now in my family’s immediate vicinity, that a group has sprung up like a weed from concrete. They claim that they are the “true owners” of the land upon which thousands have legit…

ETP Talks: My Medical School Experience

Saturday the 30th of June, 2018. The day I swore my oath into the noble profession of medical practice. It’s been a long time coming. I’m going to share a tip of the iceberg that is my medical school …

ETP Takes: Geneva, Switzerland!

Travel posts can easily get swallowed up by the conference that takes yours truly out of her home but not this time! I tried my best to get a feel of Geneva whilst I was there – so here are some of th…

ETP Takes: PreWHA 2018 Part Two

Can’t believe I’m only just finding the time to write part two of this post, life comes at you fast at times! So this post will be more light handed because quite frankly I don’t have the time for the…


Goals For Children: There must be neatly defined goals for your children. Lack of defined goals makes child training a jumbled, unsystematic and undirected affair. Remember that a child cannot set goa…