He-ro or Her-o?

“Dear no one,It’s me again. There’s this old iPod that my friend owns, it contains quite the collection of music, she lent it to me a long while ago but I’ve been enjoying it so much that I don’t thin…

When Humpty Dumpty Falls

​​​​Have you ever thought you knew someone, their likes, their dislikes, their taste in different things and then they do a complete 360 on you and then you’re left standing there looking just a littl…

Brother yesterday, stranger today

I wrote a poem last week and I thought I’d share it with you guys, enjoy! To the stranger today who was a brother yesterday, I hope you’re well, hope you’re comfortable, I heard your laughter yesterda…

Self Discovery.

Hello there 🙂 Of recent I’ve been on a self-discovery mission; not because I lost myself but because I want to know more about myself.  What more about myself could I possibly want to know …