Elizabeth T Peters
192 Articles64 Comments

Christian - Medical Student - Natural Hair - Poetry - Inspirational Writer.


No, this isn’t a fashion post…this is something for your mind to ruminate upon. “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” must be the world’s most over used idiom, yet the same people who say it – as w…


You’re breathing regularly and your heart is pumping blood into both your pulmonary and systemic circulation = you are alive. Well done on passing the first stage of affirming your existence on this g…


Never underestimate the importance of healthy psyche.  Never.  For a long time I never thought much of mental psychology; so long as one had their sanity I thought – that was that. But…


The number of times that someone has said to me “You don’t look like you can cook” should actually offend me, but then I think, what does a girl that CAN cook look like? As a viral t…


So it’s been a while that I’ve actually written a post myself right? Here’s to breaking that rut. Hate is such a harsh word, I personally choose to use the word dislike where others use hate i.e. “I d…